Dead of Day

Changing the world, one Human at a time

Build Report 0.18

Build 0.18 Pre-Alpha

Made some good forward progress this week. Got through a few screens that are now in a nearly completed state (except for very minor polish). I have one more screen to do (story intro screen) before I begin to tackle screens that contain multiple elements and more importantly gameplay. I will be excited to see how much work I remember I had done on them and finally begin to tackle gameplay content rather than screen and flow issues.

Next Work Sprint:
We will begin to improve the story introduction sequence, this is what provides some background into how the zombie virus spread across the world. It is all hooked up code wise and works as expected, the problem is that it needs more movement on screen to make it interesting visually. I am going to try a few basic movements by using elements that have already been created.

List of Fixes:
+ Load Screen
++ Load Game Screen: Updated background to remove hard coded "Load Game" text
++ Load Game Screen: Replaced hard coded buttons.
++ Load Game Screen: Updated text with translation system
++ Load Game Screen: Fixed text not being removed when displaying pop-up box
++ Loading Screen: Replaced Loading Image with text
++ Loading Screen: Replaced continue button with translated item.
++ Loading Screen: Added Helpful Hints text, using random number generator to pick from (currently) 5 items.

+ Options Screen
++ Options Screen: Updated background to remove hard coded "Options" text
++ Options Screen: Replaced Language selected graphic with text option.

+ Character Selection Screen
++ Character Selection: Text moved to translation system.
++ Character Selection: Replaced hard coded buttons.
++ Character Selection: Redid Background Card images
++ Character Selection: Added character intro text to this screen, rather than a later screen. Need to be careful of text sizes here, could be problematic.
++ Character Selection: Replaced scrolling elements on screen with appearing, much easier to program and less problematic
++ Character Selection Screen: Added dust effect, currently one piece of dust generated every 1s, consider adding more types and times later.
++ Character Selection: Animated Pick Buttons
++ Character Selection: Fixed up Close character sheet
++ Character Selection: Connected next steps to Character "Pick" buttons

+ Other
++ Story Intro Flow: Wasn't taking new save from loading screen to story screen.

Build Report 0.17

Build 0.17 Pre-Alpha

Starting to get more organised as the project is starting to take longer than expected and hoped, so its time to start using project management systems to ensure that I keep motivated but also so that I can see that progress has been made.

The last couple of weeks I've been going through some of the screens in turn and adding multi language support and starting to fix up things that I had put in but were not really working as expected.

Upgraded Trello to Gold, so that I can take advantage of the advanced features and the ability to upload larger files, this will be important later on when identifying polish items.

+ Created language translation system, supports multiple languages
++ English, French, German
+ Converted Splash logo screen to translation system
+ Converted Intro text splash screen to translation system
+ Converted Credits screen to translation system
+ Converted Options screen to translation system
+ Fixed Main Menu's buttons both graphically and placement
+ Fixed a number of screens fade - graphics and audio
+ Began process of converting Load Game screen to translation system
+ Options Screen fixes
++ Fixed fullscreen button, now allows fullscreen and window swap in real time
++ Fixed music and sound level buttons
++ Fixed saving of options to global values, now saves and loads correctly

Builds Reports

We have decided as we get further into the project to detail the developments of Dead of Day.

It's really useful for us to let our friends/followers know how we are getting on, and it also provides an added element of motivation as we can see how much we are achieving. Come back here to keep up-to date with development or follow our twitter account to get the latest news and updates (as our website can run behind these other social media systems).
Dead of Day

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